The Ibera Wetlands are a must-visit for birders looking to explore the diverse range of birds of South America. The wetlands are situated in the Argentinean province of Corrientes, and cover an impressive 15,000 km2, including the National Park. The area is renowned for its abundance of birds, with over 500 species recorded, including the Azara's (Least) Bittern, Crested Doradito, Streamer-tailed Tyrant or the amazing diversity of Seedeaters.
Around the wetlands, impressive forests of the humid Chaco and subtropical grasslands hacen de Iberá uno de los Highlights en Sudamérica.
With boats, vehicles, and walkways providing access to this pristine habitat, birders can enjoy close encounters with many species that are difficult to find elsewhere in the region.
Moreover, the Ibera Wetlands are home to a variety of South America 's most iconic mammal species, including the Jaguar, Giant Anteater, and Maned Wolf. Incluyendo el fabuloso Iberá Birding Lodge, this trip makes Ibera an even more exciting destination for wildlife enthusiasts.