Punta Rasa

Species in the trip
Best season
All year
Best Length
2 to 4 days
Travel Distance
700 km /440 miles
Related Region
Buenos Aires

    Located at the outermost limit of the River Plate estuary, this unique habitat offers from September to March some of the best opportunities to observe migratory waders such as plovers and sandpipers, as well as northern migrants. With its vast pampas grasslands, Punta Rasa is a perfect place to witness birdlife in Buenos Aires's natural surroundings.

    To make the most of your experience, we recommend a minimum of two days, as the site is more than a four-hour drive from the city. Punta Rasa is an all-year-round destination, but the bird list will be different during the local breeding season against the winter. While Spring and Summer receive plovers, Sandpipers, terns and other species coming from North,  including Red Knot, White-rumped and Baird's Sandpiper, Hudsonian Godwit, Arctic Tern and many more, Winter is the time of the visitor from Antarctica and southern Patagonia.

    With 3 to 4 days, you can also include coastal lagoons and Grasslands on a trip to more of the nearest coastal hotspots and inland areas, where species such as the Patagonian Geese, Chocolate-vented Tyrant  Snowy Sheathbill or Tawny-thinked Dotterel.
